Sunday, September 15, 2013

I wish I had a cousin Vinny

Okay, by default, anything Joe Pesci is fantastic to me; he himself makes everything he appears in perfect. Well, I recently saw My Cousin Vinny by Jonathan Lynn, and I've never laughed at genuine humor in so long. How the story goes is that two guys are stopping at a convenient store during a road trip, and once they leave, they're immediately arrested. Originally thinking they are being charged shoplifting, the two are extremely taken aback when they realize they are being falsely accused of murder. (Dun dun dun)  Seeing as they are in deep trouble, they realize that they need a lawyer to save them from the almost certain death penalty fate waiting for them. Once they find out they have a cousin who is actually a professional lawyer (and I use the term professional very lightly), they call him in. After meeting Vinny, they quickly realize that Vinny has no clue what he is doing - at all. Throughout the film, Vinny experiences ups and downs while trying to clear the name of his cousins, and at the end of the film, with the help of his somewhat ditzy girlfriend, they find the alibi that gets Vinny's cousins off the hook. This movie had such genuine humor (no fart jokes or cheap shots) so it really made me respect the writing. The acting was FANTASTIC (again, Joe Pesci is amazing) and the two cousins accused of murder were really great as well. What really impressed me was Marrisa Tomei. She was absolute GOLD (she played Vinny's very Italian girlfriend). She actually won an oscar for her performance in the film. Overall, I give it a 7.5/10 for sure, and I would definitely see it again. You should definitely go watch it (it's on Netflix).

Watch the trailer:


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